martes, 21 de septiembre de 2021

“Widely travelled people” at Herxheim? Sr isotopes as indicators of mobility. In: Population Dynamics in Prehistory and Early History New Approaches Using Stable Isotopes and Genetics Edited by Kaiser, Elke / Burger, Joachim / Schier, Wolfram DE GRUYTER 2012 Pages: 149-164. | Fabian Haack y Andrea Zeeb-Lanz -

“Widely travelled people” at Herxheim? Sr isotopes as indicators of mobility. In: Population Dynamics in Prehistory and Early History New Approaches Using Stable Isotopes and Genetics Edited by Kaiser, Elke / Burger, Joachim / Schier, Wolfram DE GRUYTER 2012 Pages: 149-164. | Fabian Haack y Andrea Zeeb-Lanz -

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