martes, 15 de febrero de 2022

(PDF) Domenici, D. et al., 2018. Coloring Materials, Technological Practices, and Painting Traditions , Élodie Dupey García e María Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos Pascual (eds.), Painting the Skin. Studies on the Pigments Applied on Bodies and Codices in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, UAP, pp. 129-143 | Davide Domenici -

(PDF) Domenici, D. et al., 2018. Coloring Materials, Technological Practices, and Painting Traditions , Élodie Dupey García e María Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos Pascual (eds.), Painting the Skin. Studies on the Pigments Applied on Bodies and Codices in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, UAP, pp. 129-143 | Davide Domenici -

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