Thuk Je Che Tibet - Inicio
La falsa imaginación te enseña que cosas tales como la luz y la sombra, el largo y el alto, lo blanco y lo negro son diferentes y tienen que ser discriminadas; pero ellas no son independientes una de la otra; ellas son aspectos diferentes de la misma cosa, ellos son conceptos de relación, no la realidad..
False imagination teaches you that things such as light and shadow, long and tall, white and black are different and have to be discriminated against; but they are not independent of each other; they are different aspects of the same thing, they are concepts of relationship, not reality.
Thuk Je Che Tibet
Is Israel's diplomatic isolation in Europe growing? David Ehl © 2024
Deutsche Welle
*Is Israel's diplomatic isolation in Europe growing? David Ehl* 8 hours
ago8 hours ago After criticism from Ireland, Israel has closed its embassy
in Dubli...
Hace 8 horas
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