lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2021

(PDF) New Research in the Tomb of Ibi (TT 36), in: E. Pischikova/J. Budka/K. Griffin (Hgg.), Thebes in the First Millenium BC: Art and Archaeology of the Kushite Period and Beyond, GHP Egyptology 27, London 2018, 177-189. | Mareike Wagner -

(PDF) New Research in the Tomb of Ibi (TT 36), in: E. Pischikova/J. Budka/K. Griffin (Hgg.), Thebes in the First Millenium BC: Art and Archaeology of the Kushite Period and Beyond, GHP Egyptology 27, London 2018, 177-189. | Mareike Wagner -

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