viernes, 24 de febrero de 2023

B. Midant-Reynes et al., 'Tell El-Iswid 2006–2010. The Archaeology of The Eastern Nile Delta in The 4th Mille nnium BC', in Jucha, M.A.; Dębowska-Ludwin, J. & Kołodziejczyk, P. (eds.), Aegyptus Est Imago Caeli. Studies presented to Krzysztof M. Cialowicz on his 60th Birthday, Kraków, 2015, p. 1-20. | Mathilde Minotti -

B. Midant-Reynes et al., 'Tell El-Iswid 2006–2010. The Archaeology of The Eastern Nile Delta in The 4th Mille nnium BC', in Jucha, M.A.; Dębowska-Ludwin, J. & Kołodziejczyk, P. (eds.), Aegyptus Est Imago Caeli. Studies presented to Krzysztof M. Cialowicz on his 60th Birthday, Kraków, 2015, p. 1-20. | Mathilde Minotti -

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