EL DISPENSADOR: 76 está directamente relacionado con la esencia del phi en el MUNDO DE LAS IDEAS de la cultura egipcia. Define el PERFIL de aquel que disemina los pensamientos necesarios para formar cultura, para crear, para imaginar, para desarrollar, para transformar y dar sentido a las FUENTES.
misterios egipcios: el dispensador
en el acto de impartir gracia. Simboliza la virtud humana de la misericordia.
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Literario Kapasulino / Esquímedes, un lugar más allá de la imaginación
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Written by Zoya Hussain |New Delhi |Published: March 15, 2019 1:24:52 pm
Social and environmental issues find an artistic voice at the Lodhi Art Festival 2019
This year, 20 new murals have been planned. The artists will produce their interpretation of social causes such as, women empowerment, climate change, waste and upcycling and various other pertinent issues.
After giving New Delhi’s Lodhi Colony area a colourful makeover and turning it into India’s first open public art district, St+art India Foundation is back with the 15th edition of Street-art festival (its 4th edition in Delhi), called ‘Urban Art Festival’ this time. The festival this year highlights pertinent issues like women empowerment, climate change, waste and upcycling among others, in an artistic way.
St+art Delhi 2019 includes an expansion of the Lodhi Art District project, F(r)iction at KONA, and, a there is a special focus on increasing community participation in Lodhi Colony and its surrounding areas. Visitors are encouraged to participate in artist-led workshops and curated tours for children, adults and the differently-abled, in order to champion accessibility.
“The Lodhi Art Festival this year has been a celebration and consolidation of our work in Lodhi Colony in the past four years. This year we have not only celebrated navigable streets of Lodhi Colony, which have lent the perfect canvas, but also the community. The murals are a reflection of the artist’s interactions with the streets of Delhi, it’s people, the cross-pollination of local and global contexts and the presentation of these stories on these wall by prolific International and Indian artists”, Akshat Nauriyal, co-founder and content director, St+art India Foundation.
Over the years, St+art has transformed the walls between Khanna Market and Meherchand Market into a public art gallery with support from the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) and Swachh Bharat mission. It is envisioned to be the only locality with 50 wall murals within a 5 km radius.
Here are the wall make-over from the festival, which features 30 artists this year:
Sajid Wajid Sheikh’s work is an ode to femininity.
Sameer Kulavoor’s mural explores the effects selfie culture has on the human psyche.
Aravani Art Project, an artist collective brings the transgender community to the fore through public art.
To mark Women’s Day, artist NeSpoon created a mural inspired by the sewing traditions.
Bold, bright and beautiful: This artwork is all about vibrancy, freshness, and character.
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