Poen de Wijs

Poen de Wijs (Dutch artist) 1948 - 2014
Pianoforte, 1997
oil on canvas
120 x 150 cm.
private collection
Poen de Wijs, born in Nijmegen 1948, studied at the Royal Academy of Visual Arts in the Hague, 1966-1971 (MO-B). He lives and works in the Hague.
Poen de Wijs' works developed from abstract to realism, with his first realistic water colours dating from 1977. Since then he has built up a sizable collection of works, ranging over 800 pieces, initially in watercolour, thereafter oils which was followed by acrylic paints in 1999. He has also created a large number of lithographs (graphic prints from stone).
His art became widely known after his first realistic watercolours, especially after his paintings were used as the LP covers for the group FLAIRCK. This, along with his successful exhibitions at Gallery Steltman, in Amsterdam (from 1979 to 1989) further ensured that he had firmly established his name.
During a period when abstract art and experimental paintings was the hot topic of the day, the reactions to Poen’s work varied immensely. There were not too many galleries, who chose to exhibit realist art, at the time, due to a clearly divided ‘pro’ and ‘anti’ realist art campaigns and opinions.
From 1990, his exhibitions were organised by the gallery de Twee Pauwen in the Hague and the gallery Bonnard in Nuenen. Internationally there were many undertakings with exhibitions and presentations, among others, Indonesia, Germany (Frankfurt, Jade), Switzerland (Interlaken and Bazel), Kenya (Nairobi), USA (Chicago, New York) Austria (Innsbruck), Spain (Madrid).
His love for classical music was brought to expression in the theme ‘Alma Musica’ (1993). In ‘A Kenyan Holiday’ (1995) and ‘The Geisha’s Clothes’ (2000) his love for travel and other cultures was incorporated. He made a big impression with his exhibitions ‘Prima Vista, A Portrait of Mini & Maxi’ (2002) and ‘Moments’(2011)
Poen de Wijs has never limited himself to one painting technique or shunned experimenting with different techniques, on the contrary, he continuously experimented and explored new techniques, possibilities and realms.
He has studied and mastered the art of applying the old painting techniques, whilst incorporating his newly developed possibilities. His realistic style has thus evolved with the changes in the application of painting materials.
In 1998 Poen de Wijs stopped painting with oils and switched over to acrylics. This material was so developed and stable that he could continue to create all the effects he had previously captured with oils and even more was possible than before. It appeared that he could even work well with the application of acrylics on ancient papyrus.
A last development in his work is the use of metallic acrylic paints. He places layers of gold, silver and copper paints over a section of his under painting. A person would be exposed to two completely different images and nuances, depending from which angle one views the art work. This shiny metallic effect creates an almost three dimensional quality.
Poen de Wijs has had many books, documentary films and articles published, about his works but also dedicated to his ability in the disciplines of a variety of painting techniques. During the course of his career, the art critics have had many differing opinions concerning his works, but all have unanimously agreed and noted the high technical quality as a constant.

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