el dispensador dice: distancias...
lejanías según las sombras...
luces, según quién se asombra...
cuerda que une egos distantes...
huecos que separan egos cercanos...
aunque todo parece estar cerca, nada está al alcance de la mano...
aún cuando un alma parece cercana, puede estar urdiendo debajo de alguna trama...
nunca sabes de qué se trata la rama, hasta que la caída descubre la intención cuando se desgrana...
todo está cerca según la calidad del alma...
cuando el espíritu se esfuma, la consciencia huye y conserva distancia...
lo que ves no es lo que veo...
lo que veo no es lo que ves...
lo que para alguien está allí nomás...
para otro es inalcanzable por demás...
dependiendo del karma que se arrastra...
dependiendo del destino que se porta, y además, de su gracia...
mi horizonte es eterno,
por lo que siempre lo llevo a resguardo,
tan secreto como desierto...
esfumado ante aquel que roba a los vivos,
así como a todos los muertos...
dependen de los dones,
que derivan en talentos...
pero no son cuestión de títulos,
mucho menos de conocimientos...
de sabios es el silencio...
de profetas el aislamiento...
no puedes compartir voluntades,
contra los que andan saqueando el esfuerzo...
debes buscarlos hacia adelante...
porque van descubriendo el futuro...
sólo para los que entienden de sueños...
sólo para aquellos que viajan sin tener premura...
y que evitan verse envueltos en apuros...
se reflejan en los espacios...
donde reinan las auroras,
el viento solar les ilumina el aura...
sin que se pronuncie palabra...
es una geometría que abunda,
demasiados cultivan sus formas,
creando una mentira por cada norma,
para luego rasgarse las vestiduras,
buscando sensibles que reciban culpas,
que los libera de cualquier condena,
entre sus semejantes... que desconocen el sentido de las ayunas...
no la va conmigo,
sólo abro las puertas de las que soy testigo...
las demás permanecen cerradas,
esperando por aquellos que dicen ser sus dueños,
disfrazándose de amigos...
nadie sabe de dónde provienes,
ni tampoco cuál es tu pasado...
es bueno conservar el cofre,
donde se guardan los silencios que no fueron derramados...
se camina paralelo a un muro invisible,
donde las puertas son móviles,
cambiando según quién escribe...
el que pinta lleva ventaja,
porque la ubica según el color de su gracia...
nada se dice de los que tejen,
haciendo de las agujas su gracia,
quien cincela la roca sin forma,
sabe que adentro hay alguien que espera...
ser liberado para ocupar un espacio,
dando sentido al espíritu que no se atolondra...
es sólo para elegidos,
que siguen su estrella sin variar el camino...
las sendas se multiplican,
según los designios y los sellos que no se muestran,
y las espadas que no se esgrimen...
los hay desde rojos a violetas,
los hay invisibles a la astilla y la letra,
quién más se empecina en buscarlos,
más se pierde en la decepción de no encontrarlos...
hay uno por cada existencia...
hay uno por cada circunstancia en espera...
debes aguardar por el propio,
y no confundir el espacio que cada uno ocupa...
se lo ubica previo al túnel,
por el que desciendes a tu tiempo,
por el que abandonas tu tiempo...
no puedes ir en su búsqueda,
porque él reconoce tu presente...
está sólo en la propia alma...
no lo busques en ninguna otra parte...
está sólo en el espíritu...
contiene el altar que construyes,
desplegando tu voluntad,
para sembrar de tu propio esfuerzo...
si lo pretendes de mármol,
seré frío y estéril...
y lo haces de tu propia esencia,
será sensible a lo eterno...
el anuncio de la consciencia,
con zodíaco o sin estrella,
con horóscopo o sin planetas,
con alineaciones que ni imaginas,
con oposiciones que nadie estima,
porque las geometrías derivan,
en oscilaciones que no pegan,
con vibraciones que tampoco riman...
debes concentrarte en tú ángel,
y luego en tu pitonisa...
si ella no custodia tu huella,
tu sombra se vuelve llanto...
mientras la muerte se viste de risa. JUNIO 04, 2018.-
te adjunto el plano de la primera, real, verdadera, frontera... tenlo en cuenta para el futuro que viene hacia ti... porque cambiará el sentido de lo que se vive en la TIERRA.
JUNIO es el mes del ESPÍRITU SANTO, en la TIERRA...
Carmen Conde Sedemiuqse Esquimedes
News | Asteroid Belts at Just the Right Place are Friendly to Life
Asteroid Belts at Just the Right Place are Friendly to Life
PASADENA, Calif. -- Solar systems with life-bearing planets may be rare if they are dependent on the presence of asteroid belts of just the right mass, according to a study by Rebecca Martin, a NASA Sagan Fellow from the University of Colorado in Boulder, and astronomer Mario Livio of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md.
They suggest that the size and location of an asteroid belt, shaped by the evolution of the sun's planet-forming disk and by the gravitational influence of a nearby giant Jupiter-like planet, may determine whether complex life will evolve on an Earth-like planet.
This might sound surprising because asteroids are considered a nuisance due to their potential to impact Earth and trigger mass extinctions. But an emerging view proposes that asteroid collisions with planets may provide a boost to the birth and evolution of complex life.
Asteroids may have delivered water and organic compounds to the early Earth. According to the theory of punctuated equilibrium, occasional asteroid impacts might accelerate the rate of biological evolution by disrupting a planet's environment to the point where species must try new adaptation strategies.
The astronomers based their conclusion on an analysis of theoretical models and archival observations, including infrared data from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
"Our study shows that only a tiny fraction of planetary systems observed to date seem to have giant planets in the right location to produce an asteroid belt of the appropriate size, offering the potential for life on a nearby rocky planet," said Martin, the study's lead author. "Our study suggests that our solar system may be rather special."
The findings will appear today in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters.
Martin and Livio suggest that the location of an asteroid belt relative to a Jupiter-like planet is not an accident. The asteroid belt in our solar system, located between Mars and Jupiter, is a region of millions of space rocks that sits near the "snow line," which marks the border of a cold region where volatile material such as water ice is far enough from the sun to remain intact. When Jupiter formed just beyond the snow line, its powerful gravity prevented nearby material inside its orbit from coalescing and building planets.
Instead, Jupiter's influence caused the material to collide and break apart. These fragmented rocks settled into an asteroid belt around the sun.
"To have such ideal conditions you need a giant planet like Jupiter that is just outside the asteroid belt [and] that migrated a little bit, but not through the belt," Livio explained. "If a large planet like Jupiter migrates through the belt, it would scatter the material. If, on the other hand, a large planet did not migrate at all, that, too, is not good because the asteroid belt would be too massive. There would be so much bombardment from asteroids that life may never evolve."
Using our solar system as a model, Martin and Livio proposed that asteroid belts in other solar systems would always be located approximately at the snow line. To test their proposal, Martin and Livio created models of planet-forming disks around young stars and calculated the location of the snow line in those disks based on the mass of the central star.
They then looked at all the existing space-based infrared observations from the Spitzer Space Telescope of 90 stars having warm dust, which could indicate the presence of an asteroid belt-like structure. The temperature of the warm dust was consistent with that of the snow line. "The warm dust falls right onto our calculated snow lines, so the observations are consistent with our predictions," Martin said.
The duo then studied observations of the 520 giant planets found outside our solar system. Only 19 of them reside outside the snow line. This suggests that most of the giant planets that may have formed outside the snowline have migrated too far inward to preserve the kind of slightly dispersed asteroid belt needed to foster enhanced evolution of life on an Earth-like planet near the belt. Apparently, less than four percent of the observed systems may actually harbor such a compact asteroid belt.
"Based on our scenario, we should concentrate our efforts to look for complex life in systems that have a giant planet outside of the snow line," Livio said.
The Sagan Fellowship Program is administered by the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif., whose purpose is to advance the scientific and technical goals of NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program. The Exoplanet Exploration Program is managed for NASA by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. Caltech manages JPL for NASA.
More information about exoplanets and NASA's planet-finding program is at http://planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov .
JPL manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at Caltech. Data are archived at the Infrared Science Archive housed at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at Caltech.
For more information about Spitzer, visit http://spitzer.caltech.edu and http://www.nasa.gov/spitzer .
"Our study shows that only a tiny fraction of planetary systems observed to date seem to have giant planets in the right location to produce an asteroid belt of the appropriate size, offering the potential for life on a nearby rocky planet," said Martin, the study's lead author. "Our study suggests that our solar system may be rather special."
The findings will appear today in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters.
Martin and Livio suggest that the location of an asteroid belt relative to a Jupiter-like planet is not an accident. The asteroid belt in our solar system, located between Mars and Jupiter, is a region of millions of space rocks that sits near the "snow line," which marks the border of a cold region where volatile material such as water ice is far enough from the sun to remain intact. When Jupiter formed just beyond the snow line, its powerful gravity prevented nearby material inside its orbit from coalescing and building planets.
Instead, Jupiter's influence caused the material to collide and break apart. These fragmented rocks settled into an asteroid belt around the sun.
"To have such ideal conditions you need a giant planet like Jupiter that is just outside the asteroid belt [and] that migrated a little bit, but not through the belt," Livio explained. "If a large planet like Jupiter migrates through the belt, it would scatter the material. If, on the other hand, a large planet did not migrate at all, that, too, is not good because the asteroid belt would be too massive. There would be so much bombardment from asteroids that life may never evolve."
Using our solar system as a model, Martin and Livio proposed that asteroid belts in other solar systems would always be located approximately at the snow line. To test their proposal, Martin and Livio created models of planet-forming disks around young stars and calculated the location of the snow line in those disks based on the mass of the central star.
They then looked at all the existing space-based infrared observations from the Spitzer Space Telescope of 90 stars having warm dust, which could indicate the presence of an asteroid belt-like structure. The temperature of the warm dust was consistent with that of the snow line. "The warm dust falls right onto our calculated snow lines, so the observations are consistent with our predictions," Martin said.
The duo then studied observations of the 520 giant planets found outside our solar system. Only 19 of them reside outside the snow line. This suggests that most of the giant planets that may have formed outside the snowline have migrated too far inward to preserve the kind of slightly dispersed asteroid belt needed to foster enhanced evolution of life on an Earth-like planet near the belt. Apparently, less than four percent of the observed systems may actually harbor such a compact asteroid belt.
"Based on our scenario, we should concentrate our efforts to look for complex life in systems that have a giant planet outside of the snow line," Livio said.
The Sagan Fellowship Program is administered by the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif., whose purpose is to advance the scientific and technical goals of NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program. The Exoplanet Exploration Program is managed for NASA by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. Caltech manages JPL for NASA.
More information about exoplanets and NASA's planet-finding program is at http://planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov .
JPL manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at Caltech. Data are archived at the Infrared Science Archive housed at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at Caltech.
For more information about Spitzer, visit http://spitzer.caltech.edu and http://www.nasa.gov/spitzer .
News Media Contact
Whitney Clavin 818-354-4673Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
Cheryl S. Gundy 410-338-4707
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Md.
Asteroid Belts of Just the Right Size are Friendly to Life
They suggest that the size and location of an asteroid belt, shaped by the evolution of the sun's protoplanetary disk and by the gravitational influence of a nearby giant Jupiter-like planet, may determine whether complex life will evolve on an Earth-like planet.
This might sound surprising because asteroids are considered a nuisance due to their potential to impact Earth and trigger mass extinctions. But an emerging view proposes that asteroid collisions with planets may provide a boost to the birth and evolution of complex life.
Asteroids may have delivered water and organic compounds to the early Earth. According to the theory of punctuated equilibrium, occasional asteroid impacts might accelerate the rate of biological evolution by disrupting a planet's environment to the point where species must try new adaptation strategies.
The astronomers based their conclusion on an analysis of theoretical models and archival observations of extrasolar Jupiter-sized planets and debris disks around young stars. "Our study shows that only a tiny fraction of planetary systems observed to date seem to have giant planets in the right location to produce an asteroid belt of the appropriate size, offering the potential for life on a nearby rocky planet," said Martin, the study's lead author. "Our study suggests that our solar system may be rather special."
The findings will appear today in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
This illustration shows three possible scenarios for the evolution of asteroid belts. In the top panel, a Jupiter-size planet migrates through the asteroid belt, scattering material and inhibiting the formation of life on planets. The second scenario shows our solar-system model: a Jupiter-size planet that moves slightly inward but is just outside the asteroid belt. In the third illustration, a large planet does not migrate at all, creating a massive asteroid belt. Material from the hefty asteroid belt would bombard planets, possibly preventing life from evolving.
(Credit: NASA/ESA/A. Feild, STScI)
› Larger image
(Credit: NASA/ESA/A. Feild, STScI)
› Larger image
Martin and Livio suggest that the location of an asteroid belt relative to a Jupiter-like planet is not an accident. The asteroid belt in our solar system, located between Mars and Jupiter, is a region of millions of space rocks that sits near the “snow line," which marks the border of a cold region where volatile material such as water ice are far enough from the sun to remain intact. At the time when the giant planets in our solar system were forming, the region just beyond the snow line contained a dense mix of ices, rock and metals that provided enough material to build giant planets like Jupiter.
When Jupiter formed just beyond the snow line, its powerful gravity prevented nearby material inside its orbit from coalescing and building planets. Instead, Jupiter's influence caused the material to collide and break apart. These fragmented rocks settled into an asteroid belt around the sun.
"To have such ideal conditions you need a giant planet like Jupiter that is just outside the asteroid belt [and] that migrated a little bit, but not through the belt,” Livio explained. "If a large planet like Jupiter migrates through the belt, it would scatter the material. If, on the other hand, a large planet did not migrate at all, that, too, is not good because the asteroid belt would be too massive. There would be so much bombardment from asteroids that life may never evolve."
In fact, during the solar system's infancy, the asteroid belt probably had enough material to make another Earth, but Jupiter's presence and its small migration towards the sun caused some of the material to scatter. Today, the asteroid belt contains less than one percent of its original mass. Using our solar system as a model, Martin and Livio proposed that asteroid belts in other solar systems would always be located approximately at the snow line. To test their proposal, Martin and Livio created models of protoplanetary disks around young stars and calculated the location of the snow line in those disks based on the mass of the central star.
They then looked at all the existing space-based infrared observations from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope of 90 stars having warm dust, which could indicate the presence of an asteroid belt-like structure. The temperature of the warm dust was consistent with that of the snow line. "The warm dust falls right onto our calculated snow lines, so the observations are consistent with our predictions," Martin said.
The duo then studied observations of the 520 giant planets found outside our solar system. Only 19 of them reside outside the snow line, suggesting that most of the giant planets that may have formed outside the snow line have migrated too far inward to preserve the kind of slightly-dispersed asteroid belt needed to foster enhanced evolution of life on an Earth-like planet near the belt. Apparently, less than four percent of the observed systems may actually harbor such a compact asteroid belt.
"Based on our scenario, we should concentrate our efforts to look for complex life in systems that have a giant planet outside of the snow line," Livio said.
The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and the European Space Agency. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Md., conducts Hubble science operations. STScI is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., in Washington, D.C.
Space Images | Asteroid Belt
Asteroid Belt
Artist's graphic of the asteroid belt, part of NASA's Dawn Mission Art series.
Dawn's mission is managed by JPL for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Dawn is a project of the directorate's Discovery Program, managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. UCLA is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital ATK, Inc., in Dulles, Virginia, designed and built the spacecraft. The German Aerospace Center, the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, the Italian Space Agency and the Italian National Astrophysical Institute are international partners on the mission team. For a complete list of acknowledgments, see http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/mission.
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