martes, 28 de julio de 2020

Neanderthal gene linked to increased pain sensitivity

Neanderthal gene linked to increased pain sensitivity

Neanderthal gene linked to pain sensitivity

Neanderthals had a biological predisposition to a heightened sense of pain. A first-of-its kind genome study found that the ancient human relatives carried three mutations in a gene encoding the protein NaV1.7, which conveys painful sensations to the spinal cord and brain. They also showed that in a sample of British people, those who had inherited the Neanderthal version of NaV1.7 tend to experience more pain than others. “This is beautiful work”, says neuroscientist Cedric Boeckx, because it shows how aspects of Neanderthal physiology can be reconstructed by studying modern humans.
Nature | 4 min read[[reference(s)]]

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