Thuk Je Che Tibet - Inicio
Si un hombre no encuentra un compañero prudente y justo con quien caminar, que continúe caminando solo como un rey que ha dejado atrás su país conquistado.
- El Dhammapada
If a man does not find a prudent, righteous companion to walk with, let him continue walking alone like a king who has left his conquered country behind.
— The Dhammapada
Thuk Je Che Tibet
DAVID MARCUS: Why Teamsters members think Trump, not Harris, is the real
friend of the working man By not endorsing either candidate, the reliably
blue union may as well be backing Trump David Marcus By David Marcus Fox
News Published September 18, 2024 4:22pm EDT
*DAVID MARCUS: Why Teamsters members think Trump, not Harris, is the real
friend of the working man* By not endorsing either candidate, the reliably
blue u...
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