martes, 16 de junio de 2020

Thuk Je Che Tibet - Inicio

“Once you begin to behave with nonaggression, you begin to show signs of the sanity that is already in you. You don’t have to actually try to prove anything to your relatives, your parents, your friends. The words don’t count; the people around you can simply and accurately appreciate the development of gentleness and reasonableness taking place in you. It is not that you are trying to be polite and understanding in the cheap sense, but you are trying to be polite and understanding beyond consideration of your own personal comfort. So, some issues of gentleness and sympathy take place, and that is the mark of being a Buddhist. You begin to turn into a different breed of man. You become a gentle, considerate person who is open and brave at the same time.”

~ Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, ‘The Heart of the Buddha’

Thuk Je Che Tibet

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