Thuk Je Che Tibet - Inicio
Las nubes de arco iris sobre el Monte Everest, increíbles pero verdaderas y sorprendentes nubes de arco iris son un fenómeno que se produce cuando la luz del sol pasa a través de los cristales de hielo de las nubes, los cristales funcionan como un prisma, dividiendo la luz en los siete colores hermosos. Fantástico
Rainbow clouds over Mount Everest, unbelievable but true and amazing rainbow clouds are such a phenomenon that is caused when sun light passes through the ice crystals of the clouds,the crystals work like prism,dividing light into seven colors beautiful,and gorgeous.
Thuk Je Che Tibet
Is Israel's diplomatic isolation in Europe growing? David Ehl © 2024
Deutsche Welle
*Is Israel's diplomatic isolation in Europe growing? David Ehl* 8 hours
ago8 hours ago After criticism from Ireland, Israel has closed its embassy
in Dubli...
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