Debes ver como Buda a todos los maestros con los que has establecido una conexión de Dharma. Una conexión de Dharma se establece cuando desde tu lado reconoces al maestro como guru y a ti mismo como discípulo, incluso si todo lo que has recibido de este maestro es la transmisión oral de solo un mantra o un verso de enseñanza que respalda esta visión con citas del Buda, razonamiento lógico y tu experiencia de las cualidades particulares que has visto dentro de ese maestro.
You must see as Buddha all the teachers with whom you have established a Dharma connection. A Dharma connection is established when from your side you recognize the teacher as guru and yourself as disciple even if all you have received from this teacher is the oral transmission of just one mantra or one verse of teaching supporting this view with quotations of the Buddha, logical reasoning and your experience of the particular qualities you have seen within that teacher.
Thuk Je Che Tibet
You must see as Buddha all the teachers with whom you have established a Dharma connection. A Dharma connection is established when from your side you recognize the teacher as guru and yourself as disciple even if all you have received from this teacher is the oral transmission of just one mantra or one verse of teaching supporting this view with quotations of the Buddha, logical reasoning and your experience of the particular qualities you have seen within that teacher.
Thuk Je Che Tibet

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