martes, 9 de junio de 2020

Murder hornets, park robots and planet formation — May’s best science images

Murder hornets, park robots and planet formation — May’s best science images

A new species of scaleworm, Peinaleopolynoe orphanae, one of several new species nicknamed Elvis worms

The month’s best science images

Meet Peinaleopolynoe elvisi, a newly described species of species of deep-sea worm whose iridescent scales evoke glittery-jumpsuit-era musical icon Elvis Presley. Four such stunning species were collected from the bottom of the eastern Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and an area near Costa Rica, using a crewed research submarine and remotely operated vehicles. Researchers used DNA sequencing to place all four in the Peinaleopolynoe genus, a group of scale worms distantly related to earthworms.

See more of the month’s sharpest science shots, selected by Nature’s photo team.
Nature | Leisurely scroll

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