domingo, 14 de junio de 2020

Universe’s coolest lab creates bizarre quantum matter in space

Universe’s coolest lab creates bizarre quantum matter in space

The International Space Station is home to the Cold Atom Lab — one of the coldest places in the known Universe. (NASA)

Quantum matter in the coolest place in space

Physicists have made a Bose–Einstein condensate on the International Space Station. (Bose–Einstein condensates form when clouds of atoms are chilled to just above absolute zero and they coalesce into a single macroscopic quantum object.) The results are a proof-of-principle showing that the Cold Atom Lab can successfully exploit the microgravity of space in ways that should allow scientists to create phenomena that would be impossible on Earth. The US$100-million facility is on track to become the coldest place in the known Universe.
Nature | 4 min read
Go deeper with the expert view in the Nature News & Views article.
Reference: Nature paper

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