domingo, 2 de julio de 2017

ABANDONO || Christa Zaat

Christa Zaat

La imagen puede contener: exterior

Samuel Prout (British painter) 1783 - 1852 
Poundsbridge Manor, Poundsbridge, Penshurt, Kent, s.d. 
pencil and watercolour with scratching out, on paper 
22¾ x 32 in. (57.8 x 81.3 cm.) 
private collection

Catalogue Note Christie's
Known as 'The Picture House', Poundsbridge Manor in Penshurt, Kent, was built by John and Brian Dartnall for their father, William Dartnall, Rector of Penshurt. The house is still in existence today, bearing the date 1593.

La imagen puede contener: exterior

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