Thuk Je Che Tibet - Inicio
“La escucha compasiva produce curación ... La escucha profunda nutre tanto al hablante como al oyente ... Tienes que escuchar de tal manera que la compasión te acompañe todo el tiempo que estés escuchando. Ese es el arte ... La compasión es la única energía que puede ayudarnos a conectarnos con otra persona ".
“Compassionate listening brings about healing… Deep listening nourishes both speaker and listener… You have to listen in such a way that compassion remains with you the whole time you are listening. That is the art… Compassion is the only energy that can help us connect with another person.”
Thuk Je Che Tibet
Is Israel's diplomatic isolation in Europe growing? David Ehl © 2024
Deutsche Welle
*Is Israel's diplomatic isolation in Europe growing? David Ehl* 8 hours
ago8 hours ago After criticism from Ireland, Israel has closed its embassy
in Dubli...
Hace 18 horas
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