Arts Image Gallery
by Media DeskPublished on: 17th January 2020
Browse through selected images taken from Muslim Heritage articles related to Arts...

- Some previous works of artist Ashfia Ashrif
- Turkish Motif examples, attendees imitating patterns of their choosing and applying gold leaf to their motifs
- Artist Ashfia Ashrif demonstrating how to get rid off excess gold leaf and course attendee choosing her colour scheme
- Attendees working on their motifs
- An attendee painting his motif
- One of the attendees finished motifs
- Attendees work
- Detail of a floral decoration in the Dome of the Rock Mosque.
- Illustration of a tree in a landscape decoration in the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.
- Floral Arabesque covering the interior of the dome of Masjid-i Shah Mosque, Isfahan
- Kufic Lettering (from Al-Jiburi, 1974).
- Kufic calligraphy combined with floral and geometrical decoration with intersecting horseshoe arches. Plate on Cordoba Mosque façade.
- Transcript of Naskhi calligraphy by Mahmud Yazre.
- Tiles in the Alhambra Palace showing geometrical Decorations and Naskhi Calligraphy, Granada, Spain.
- View of Al-Azhar mosque courtyard in Cairo.
- Decorative arcade in Aljaferia showing elements that later inspired the Baroque style.
- Northern entrance of the Ulu Cami Hospital (13th century) showing a close up view of “Baroque” features.
- the southern Muqarnas, occupying a frontal position facing the courtyard, has an apex made up of 8 segments, suggesting a primitive strength
- the western Muqarnas has a 5-segment apex, and displays an elegant form such as that seen in Hakuho sculptures
- the eastern Muqarnas, with its 11-segmented apex, is complex and not aesthetically pleasing.
- Vault fragment with black-dotted polygonal grid lines, triangular one-twentieth repeat unit of a decagonal vault, and fan-shaped radial Muqarnas quarter vault
- Fan-shaped radial muqarnas quarter vault, and shell-shaped radial muqarnas quarter vault
- Fan-shaped radial muqarnas quarter vault, rhombodial one-eight repeat unit of an octagonal fan-shaped radial muqarnas quarter vault, fan-shaped radial muqarnas quarter vault, and rectangular repeat unit of stellate Muqarnas fragment
- An Abru (marbling) sample from Dr. Mehmet Kileci.
- Another Abru (marbling) sample from Dr. Mehmet Kileci
- A calligraphy sample. (Source: The Art of Calligraphy in the Islamic Heritage, Istanbul: IRCICA, 1998).
- Another calligraphy sample. (Source: The Art of Calligraphy in the Islamic Heritage, Istanbul: IRCICA, 1998).
- “Ya Ali” panel written with jal’i sulus and nesta’lik reciprocal style by Mehmed Aziz Efendi (Source: Muhittin Serin, Hat Sanati ve Meshur Hattatlar, Istanbul 2003
- A hilye written by Hasan Rizâ Efendi in sulus-nesih calligraphy (Topkapi Palace Museum Library, Hirka-i Saadet, nr. 21/237).
- A large, perfectly written hilye written by Kadiasker Mustafa Izzet Efendi. The marginal decoration was done in a Westernised fashion, (private collection).
- A picture of a layered rose by Abdullah Buharî, dated 1733 (Library of the Topkapi Palace Museum).
- A large size mushaf written by Ahmed Karahisarî, displaying the aklâm-i sitte. On each page, four rectangular panels (koltuk) show examples of high-quality illumination as executed in the reign of Sultan Süleyman I, (Library of the Topkapi Palace Museum).
- The Alhambra Vase
- The Jugs of Alhambra
- A sample of Hatip Ebru made by M. R. Kileci. All ebru samples illustrating this article were created by Dr Mehmed Refi Kileci and published here by his permission. Visit: www.kileci.net
- A sample of cicekli ebru made by M. R. Kileci.
- Another sample of cicekli Ebru made by M. R. Kileci.
- A sample of Battal Ebru by made by M. R. Kileci.
Images are taken from the following articles:
Introduction to Turkish Motifs in Ottoman Times by Sairah Yassir-Deane
Introduction to Islamic Art by Rabah Saoud
New Discoveries in the Islamic Complex of Mathematics, Architecture and Art by Salim Al-Hassani
Beauty and Aesthetics in Islam by Wijdan Ali
The Art of Calligraphy in the Ottoman Empire by Ugur Derman
Andalusia’s New Golden Pottery by Tor Eigeland
Ebru: The Art of Paper Marbling by The Editorial Team
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