Wordless book enables preschoolers to tell their own story
A Caldecott winner from 2011
A Ball for Daisyby Chris Raschka
written for ages 2-7 | highly recommended
published in 2011 | Schwartz & Wade Books | 32 pages
written for ages 2-7 | highly recommended
published in 2011 | Schwartz & Wade Books | 32 pages
In the spirit of this wordless book, I first thought to post a wordless review and draw it all instead. But that wasn't working out so well – some pictures may be worth a thousand words, but mine are not.
Chris Raschka's, on the other hand, may well be. I "read" this with my three-year-old daughter, and after going through it once with her, pointing out the pictures, and helping her follow the flow of what was going on, she was ready to tell me the story. And she had a lot to tell! This is what makes wordless books so fun. Even pre-readers can take a turn reading to their mom and dad, and they will be so proud to do so!
The story is of a girl, her dog Daisy, and the ball she loves to chase. After playing indoors for a bit, they head to the park where they have some more fun chasing the big red ball. But what's a good story without some adversity to overcome? Another dog grabs the ball, starts running away with it and, before Daisy and her owner can catch this other dog, IT POPS THE BALL! Daisy is devastated – she tries to play with what's left of the ball, but it just doesn't work. Dog and owner head home where Daisy curls up on couch, and sadly drifts off to sleep.
Of course the book doesn't end on such a dour note. The next day they head to the park only to find the other dog there again, but this time its owner is there too, and she is holding a big blue ball! Daisy and the other dog run after each other chasing this new ball. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. A fun and very interactive picture book that will be enjoyed by pre-readers 2.5 year olds and up.
Jon Dykstra blogs on books at ReallyGoodReads.com.

A hundred years ago this week Czar Nicholas II abdicated and a Provisional Government took control of Russia. Although George V was his first cousin, the British monarch recommended that the Czar not be offered asylum. Nicholas was placed under guard in a distant city in the Urals.
Lenin’s Bolsheviks deposed the Provisional government in November. In July 1918 the Czar, his family and his servants were shot, stabbed and bludgeoned to death in a squalid act of brutality that the Bolsheviks called an execution.
The Czar’s fate marked the beginning of 70 years of terror and oppression for the Russian people. Or most of them. The few who belonged to the Communist Party became a pampered class with special privileges. Once again the many were exploited by the few. Richard M. Ebeling offers an economist’s overview of this colossal tragedy below.
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