Hubble Peers into the Storm

This shot from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows a maelstrom of glowing gas and dark dust within one of the Milky Way’s satellite galaxies, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC).
This stormy scene shows a stellar nursery known as N159, an HII region over 150 light-years across. N159 contains many hot young stars. These stars are emitting intense ultraviolet light, which causes nearby hydrogen gas to glow, and torrential stellar winds, which are carving out ridges, arcs, and filaments from the surrounding material.
At the heart of this cosmic cloud lies the Papillon Nebula, a butterfly-shaped region of nebulosity. This small, dense object is classified as a High-Excitation Blob, and is thought to be tightly linked to the early stages of massive star formation.
N159 is located over 160,000 light-years away. It resides just south of the Tarantula Nebula (heic1402), another massive star-forming complex within the LMC. This image comes from Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys. The region was previously imaged by Hubble’s Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, which also resolved the Papillon Nebula for the first time.
Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA
Text credit: European Space Agency
Text credit: European Space Agency
Last Updated: Sept. 9, 2016
Editor: Karl Hille

el dispensador dice:
no creas que en el espacio,
el concierto anda desconcertado,
alguien lo anduvo ordenando,
desde que el Verbo viene sonando,
así es que hay nubes,
y otras tormentas,
tanto como energías pasando,
muchas llegan a la Tierra,
y tú ni te has enterado,
y esto se repite constante,
desde que la creación se ha pronunciado,
así es que nada escapa a los vientos,
que provienen desde algún ángulo...
préstale atención a las geometrías,
y también a los triángulos,
porque allí reside el secreto,
de los portales que no has cruzado.
SEPTIEMBRE 22, 2016.-
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