Hubble Peers at the Heart of NGC 5793
This new Hubble image is centered on NGC 5793, a spiral galaxy over 150 million light-years away in the constellation of Libra. This galaxy has two particularly striking features: a beautiful dust lane and an intensely bright center — much brighter than that of our own galaxy, or indeed those of most spiral galaxies we observe. NGC 5793 is a Seyfert galaxy. These galaxies have incredibly luminous centers that are thought to be caused by hungry supermassive black holes — black holes that can be billions of times the size of the sun — that pull in and devour gas and dust from their surroundings. This galaxy is of great interest to astronomers for many reasons. For one, it appears to house objects known as masers. Whereas lasers emit visible light, masers emit microwave radiation. The term "masers" comes from the acronym Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Maser emission is caused by particles that absorb energy from their surroundings and then re-emit this in the microwave part of the spectrum. Naturally occurring masers, like those observed in NGC 5793, can tell us a lot about their environment; we see these kinds of masers in areas where stars are forming. In NGC 5793 there are also intense mega-masers, which are thousands of times more luminous than the sun. Credit: NASA, ESA, and E. Perlman (Florida Institute of Technology)
el dispensador dice:
estate atento,
permanece despierto,
ya que pronto los portales estarán abiertos,
para comprender los ángulos,
que ofrece el espacio-tiempo...
observa atento,
cómo se abren espacios contiguos,
a los propios paralelos,
permitiendo a los inocentes,
cruzar sus destinos,
sin padecer con lamentos...
prepárate para ver,
que nada es como se ha dicho,
que la creación contiene sonidos,
donde el verbo se ha prometido,
ser fiel a lo que ha dicho,
cada orden guarda su caos,
cada caos se ordena a sí mismo,
dando lugar a las existencias,
entre sueños y respiros...
y podrás regresar sin irte,
y volver a lo que ha sido,
podrás escribir nuevas líneas,
en aquello que llamas destino,
siempre que hayas sido humilde,
al transitar tu camino...
y nuevamente hallarás los afectos,
de aquellos que has querido,
mirando que hay sonrisas,
en sus rostros encendidos,
descubriendo que las auras,
son como faros prendidos...
prepárate para ver,
algo que jamás has visto.
MARZO 24, 2014.-
Syrian authorities confirm: ISIS shrine attack prevented in Damascus
Syria's Interior Ministry vowed to act decisively against any group
attempting to exploit instability in certain areas of the country to carry
out attacks, with a particular focus on combating ISIS. By RIZIK ALABI/THE
MEDIA LINE JANUARY 12, 2025 13:43 Updated: JANUARY 12, 2025 13:46
Syrian authorities confirm: ISIS shrine attack prevented in Damascus
Syria's Interior Ministry vowed to act decisively against any group
attempting to expl...
Hace 15 horas
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