Shadow Portrait of NASA Rover Opportunity on Martian Slope
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity caught its own silhouette in this late-afternoon image taken by the rover's rear hazard avoidance camera. This camera is mounted low on the rover and has a wide-angle lens. The image was taken looking eastward shortly before sunset on the 3,609th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's work on Mars (March 20, 2014). The rover's shadow falls across a slope called the McClure-Beverlin Escarpment on the western rim of Endeavour Crater, where Opportunity is investigating rock layers for evidence about ancient environments. The scene includes a glimpse into the distance across the 14-mile-wide (22-kilometer-wide) crater. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
el dispensador dice:
sombra que habla,
habla aún no diciendo nada,
se expresa en formas cruzadas,
que la distancia se expresan,
en una soledad que avanza...
detrás de ella hay almas,
que piensan en rutinas dadas,
que viven espiando realidades ajenas,
atrapados en mundos que abrazan...
más allá,
algo enlaza,
realidades distintas,
otras circunstancias,
cosas que no se ven con los ojos,
porque los sentidos no alcanzan,
por ello es bueno aprender,
a ver con los ojos del alma...
MARZO 30, 2014.-
Bringing Oron Shaul home proves Israel’s unbreakable bond with its soldiers
– editorial Nine years later, Israel fulfilled its promise and brought Oron
Shaul back home. By JPOST EDITORIAL JANUARY 20, 2025 05:56
*Bringing Oron Shaul home proves Israel’s unbreakable bond with its
soldiers – editorial* Nine years later, Israel fulfilled its promise and
brought Oron S...
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