Hubble Checks out a Home for Old Stars
This image, taken with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on board the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, shows the globular cluster Terzan 1. Lying around 20,000 light-years from us in the constellation of Scorpius (The Scorpion), it is one of about 150 globular clusters belonging to our galaxy, the Milky Way.
Typical globular clusters are collections of around a hundred thousand stars, held together by their mutual gravitational attraction in a spherical shape a few hundred light-years across. It is thought that every galaxy has a population of globular clusters. Some, like the Milky Way, have a few hundred, while giant elliptical galaxies can have several thousand.
They contain some of the oldest stars in a galaxy, hence the reddish colors of the stars in this image — the bright blue ones are foreground stars, not part of the cluster. The ages of the stars in the globular cluster tell us that they were formed during the early stages of galaxy formation! Studying them can also help us to understand how galaxies formed.
Terzan 1, like many globular clusters, is a source of X-rays. It is likely that these X-rays come from binary star systems that contain a dense neutron star and a normal star. The neutron star drags material from the companion star, causing a burst of X-ray emission. The system then enters a quiescent phase in which the neutron star cools, giving off X-ray emission with different characteristics, before enough material from the companion builds up to trigger another outburst.
Image credit: NASA & ESA, Acknowledgement: Judy Schmidt
Text credit: European Space Agency
Text credit: European Space Agency
Last Updated: Dec. 18, 2015
Editor: Ashley Morrow
el dispensador dice:
no todo es antiguo,
como pretendes decirlo,
mucho de lo que ves,
ni siquiera ha existido,
porque lo pronunciado,
aún no ha sido dicho...
no todo es antiguo,
y no lo has entendido,
todo lo que ves con tus ojos,
no ha tenido lugar,
ni han ocupado sueños,
de los que respiran y se dicen vivos,
debes reflexionar sobre lo que aseveras,
y determinar qué significa eso... de ser nacido...
aún no has resuelto,
la ecuación del tiempo vivido,
no sabes desprender la luz,
del tiempo elegido,
y al no poder separarlos,
no descubres el por qué,
ni tampoco sus sentidos,
e insistes en asegurar,
que eres dueño del suelo que has pretendido...
el universo no te pertenece,
ni tampoco eres un escogido,
ni siquiera te has iniciado,
para ser considerado "elegido"...
dices conocer la rosa,
que de la cruz ha descendido,
pero desconoces cuál es su número,
ni cómo fue conseguido,
e insistes depender de doce,
casas de ningún zodíaco,
cuando el mismo ya ha caducado,
y ahora rigen otros sentidos,
donde catorce son las casas,
que determinan tus designios.
DICIEMBRE 19, 2015.-
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