This new Hubble image shows NGC 1566, a beautiful galaxy located approximately 40 million light-years away in the constellation of Dorado (The Dolphinfish). NGC 1566 is an intermediate spiral galaxy, meaning that while it does not have a well-defined bar-shaped region of stars at its center — like barred spirals — it is not quite anunbarred spiral either.
The small but extremely bright nucleus of NGC 1566 is clearly visible in this image, a telltale sign of its membership of the Seyfert class of galaxies. The centers of such galaxies are very active and luminous, emitting strong bursts of radiation and potentially harboring supermassive black holes that are many millions of times the mass of the sun.
NGC 1566 is not just any Seyfert galaxy; it is the second brightest Seyfert galaxy known. It is also the brightest and most dominant member of the Dorado Group, a loose concentration of galaxies that together comprise one of the richest galaxy groups of the southern hemisphere. This image highlights the beauty and awe-inspiring nature of this unique galaxy group, with NGC 1566 glittering and glowing, its bright nucleus framed by swirling and symmetrical lavender arms.
This image was taken by Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) in the near-infrared part of the spectrum. A version of the image was entered into the Hubble’s Hidden Treasures image processing competition by Flickr user Det58.
Image Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Acknowledgement: Flickr user Det58
el dispensador dice:
mientras vives,
alguien te observa...
mientras respiras,
alguien te observa...
mientras realizas tus tareas,
alguien te observa...
mientras caminas,
alguien te observa...
observa tu huella,
observa tu sombra,
observa si eres luz,
observa si eres sombra...
mientras miras,
alguien te observa...
mientras escuchas,
alguien te observa...
más aún...
mientras sueñas,
alguien te observa,
observando también lo que sueñas...
mientras piensas,
alguien te observa,
observando también lo que piensas...
reconociendo tu aura,
tanto en ausencia,
como en presencia...
reconociendo las intenciones,
que pueden oscilar tu destino,
entre clemencia e inclemencia...

porque quien te observa...
es el que pesa...
intenciones versus palabras,
voluntades versus hechos,
esfuerzos en sus circunstancias...
no pretendas alejarte de ti mismo,
no intentes esquivar tu destino,
no engañes al viento emitiendo extraños sonidos,
no mientas a la consciencia que adelanta tu camino...
porque al hacerlo...
te verás perdido...
sin distinguir el ayer,
de aquello que has elegido.
JUNIO 06, 2014.-
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