Thuk Je Che Tibet - Inicio
Hay un dicho en tibetano:
"La tragedia debe ser utilizado como una fuente de fortaleza. No importa qué tipo de dificultades ni cuan dolorosa sea la experiencia, si perdemos la esperanza, ese es nuestro verdadero desastre".
There is a saying in Tibetan:
"Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.
No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that's our real disaster.”
Thuk Je Che Tibet
Fall of Assad regime continues collapse of the Iranian dream Analysis: As
situation unfolds in Syria, Israel must significantly strengthen its
defenses on the Golan Heights border and focus on the disturbing scenario
of terrorists taking over arsenal of weapons of mass destruction Yossi
Yehoshua|Yesterday | 07:36
Hace 22 horas
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