jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

FILAMENTO ▲ SDO Sees a Dark Filament Circle

SDO Sees a Dark Filament Circle

A dark, almost circular filament broke away from the sun in a gauzy, feathery swirl, on Nov. 15, 2015, in this video from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory. This filament eruption was followed by a second filament breaking away on Nov. 16. Filaments are dark strands of plasma tethered above the sun’s surface by magnetic forces that, over time, often become disrupted and break away from the sun. Filaments appear darker than the surrounding material because of their comparatively cool temperature. This video was taken in extreme ultraviolet wavelengths of 304 angstroms and colorized in red. Credit: NASA/SDO This video is public domain and may be downloaded at: http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/files/Darkcircle_big.mp4
el dispensador dice:
los filamentos encendidos,
están trayendo algo,
que están cambiando los aires,
y las energías que se van recargando...
pocos segundos pueden señalarte,
la necesidad de modificar,
aquello que vienes arrastrando...

no cargues pesas en tu mochila,
llegado el momento... no podrás correr...
NOVIEMBRE 26, 2015.-

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