sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014

CRISTALES LEJANOS ▲ Martian Rock 'Harrison' in Color, Showing Crystals | NASA

Martian Rock 'Harrison' in Color, Showing Crystals | NASA

View of a Martian rock target called "Harrison"

Martian Rock 'Harrison' in Color, Showing Crystals
View of a Martian rock target called "Harrison"
This view of a Martian rock target called "Harrison" merges images from two cameras on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover to provide both color and microscopic detail.  Curiosity inspected the rock's appearance and composition on the mission's 514th sol, or Martian day (Jan. 15, 2014).  The Remote Micro-Imager (RMI) of the rover's Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument obtained the detail shown in the center of this view.  The right-eye, telephoto-lens camera of the rover's Mast Camera (Mastcam) instrument obtained the color information and wider context.  ChemCam's laser and spectrometers provided composition information.
Harrison bears elongated, light-colored crystals in a darker matrix.  Some of the crystals are about 0.4 inch (1 centimeter) in size.
Based on composition information gathered from an array of ChemCam laser shots on Harrison, the elongated crystals are likely feldspars, and the matrix is pyroxene-dominated. This mineral association is typical of basaltic igneous rocks. The texture provides compelling evidence for igneous rocks at Gale Crater, where Curiosity is on a traverse to reach the lower slopes of Mount Sharp near the center of the crater.
View of a Martian rock target called "Harrison"

el dispensador dice:
cristales lejanos,
cristales marcianos,
cristales eternos,
cristales sonando,
hay pentagramas donde están vibrando,
cristales del universo,
que impasible se ve reflejado,
sin apuro de mañanas,
sin aires que demanden ser respirados...

cristales distantes,
cristales sonantes,
cristales que llaman,
las curiosidades errantes,
escucha qué dicen,
trovadores de rocas,
hay fuentes únicas,
que no se tocan,
quien las profana,
se convierte en tosca...

cristales que hablan,
cristales que escuchan,
cristales que piensan,
liberados de órbitas,
ellos simplemente,
esperan su hora,
donde las esferas,
den testimonio de roca,
está allí... puedes mirarla... pero no se toca...

si detecta la segunda intención,
intención depredatoria,
no sólo te quitará la respiración,
también te borrará de la historia...
los cristales no se tocan,
están allí... porque de ellos el VERBO, brota...
FEBRERO 01, 2014.-
View of a Martian rock target called "Harrison"

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